From October 11 to 15, 2021, GML / B-LiFE deployed its mobile laboratory in Kazan (Russia), as part of the “Functional exercise” SimEx02. SimEx exercises, in which GML is participating for the first time, have been held annually since 2012. The exercise includes a mix of live and simulation, operational, command and control events to provide a neutral platform for test national and international emergency response mechanisms.
Prior to exercise SimEx02, GML / B-LIFE participated in exercise SimEX01 which consists of a « table top » and took place from August 31 to September 02, 2021.
The participation of GML / B-LIFE was important for recognition of its mobile laboratory by the international experts present on site as well as by the World Health Organization, but this participation was also an excellent showcase for our own mobile laboratory. not only in its original design but also for innovations currently under development. Indeed, during this fiscal year, a full day was dedicated to the presentation of the various mobile laboratories to international experts active in the management of humanitarian emergency responses and we had the opportunity to present our products and developments to potentials customers
The general objectives of the exercise are :
- The development of international and national response capacity;
- The coordination of humanitarian aid, emergency response, research and education;
- The assessment of disaster management systems presented by participating organizations;
- Promoting effective collaboration, communication and interoperability between emergency response organizations;
- To provide a platform for the assessment and development of emerging technologies.
To date, the known participants for exercise SimEx02 are:
- The GML / B-LiFE Team comprising: 5 biologists, 2 engineers and 1 doctor. The deployment of the GML / B-LiFE class II laboratory was also be reinforced by several biologists from the Institut Pasteur (France).
- The “Rospotrebnadzor” comprising several Russian type II, III and IV mobile laboratories.
- Representatives of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS = post-Soviet area). These are not deploying their capabilities but will work in Russian laboratories in mixed teams. Thus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan will be among the countries represented.
В Казани проходят международные учения специалистов, борющихся с опасными инфекциями